Loaded “Potato” Casserole

Side Dishes


½ large head cauliflower, cut into medium chunks

4 oz. bacon ends (or lean bacon), chopped

c. green onion (or leek), chopped

1 lb. ground beef or pork (I used 90% lean grass-fed beef),

2 oz. cream cheese

½ c. sour cream

1/8 tsp. coarse black pepper

2 c. shredded cheddar cheese


Steam or boil cauliflower until almost fully tender, but not quite.  Drain well.  Preheat oven to 350º.  While the cauliflower is cooking, in a large skillet or wok, brown the bacon.  Add the green onion or leek and saute until tender. Add black pepper and mix in well.  Salt won’t be needed with bacon and this much cheese. :)  Add ground beef, breaking apart and stirring as it browns.  Add cream cheese, stirring to allow it to melt and disperse into the mixture.  Add sour cream and blend well.  Stir in the drained cauliflower gently. Top with grated cheese and pop into preheated 350º oven for 20-30 minutes to allow flavors to blend and cheese to melt.  Serve at once with a lovely green salad or green veggie of your choice.


465 calories
37 g  fat
8.68 g  carbs, 2.41 g  fiber, 6.27 g  NET CARBS
26.6 g  protein
676 mg sodium

per serving